Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Wed. Jan 30 2008

A pair of Bike bins in black and silver arrived this morning from the chap advertising on ebay and very smart they look. Unfortunately they are not a perfect fit on the Agattu as the carrier is not a flat plane on its outer surface. One arm sticks out and spoils things and although one can work around it to some extent it's a shame that the lovely simple fitting is compromised. It's hard to understand how the maker thought this strut sticking out was a good idea.

More palaver later as I tried to check the tyre pressures and pump them up. Nothing seemed to fit and nothing would read the pressure. Fortunately I found eventually that the pump of the car emergency starter would work with the Shraeder valve converter and both put air in and check the pressure. The good people on the Pedelec Forum tell me that what I have are wood valves, and they agreed that they are a confounded nuisance. Still at least I shall be able to keep the pressures up now, and would want to use the electric pump in any case.

I went into town a couple of times to do a bit of shopping and the bike bins worked very well although being rigid they do rumble a little on the back.

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