Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Feb 12 2008

A period of consolidation during which I have written nothing. But although there has been nothing noteworthy to record I have still greatly enjoyed myself. I have pottered about the town a good deal and have taken one or two rides out a little further. On one of the rides through Falkenham and Kirton I covered 10 miles which is further than I have done for many years, and further than I had expected to do as yet. I am gradually getting stronger and more used to riding but my legs are still decidedly rubbery after a trip. I have now covered just over 100 miles which is further than I had expected to do as yet, although it doesn't sound very much.

I am pleased beyond measure with the Agattu which really is everything that I had hoped for. The Pedelec system that I was a little dubious about initially, has turned out to be quite perfect for me. Being without a throttle to think about has turned out a great pleasure. I simply pedal and the complicated electronics work everything out for me. It would be very easy to become blasé about the assistance, and I switch the power off from time to time to remind myself of just how good it is.

Rather small things continue to give me so much pleasure. The brakes for instance are very much better than anything that I have ever had before. Smooth progressive and powerful it is hard to see how any thing could be better. Similarly the gears are a great delight. They are perhaps a little low but this actually suits me perfectly and the range is sufficient for me very seldom to be in top. When I first understood how things work with the chain constantly moving, I thought what a waste it was not to have dérailleurs, but I had underestimated how very useful the ability to change down whilst stationary would be. Cruising to a halt at junctions without any thought of gears, and then being able to slip down is so very relaxing in town.

The saddle saga continues, and although I have found that the range of adjustment is greater than I had at first realised it still does not suit me. It's a big soft comfortable device which is very sensibly sprung underneath, and feels fine when one first gets on, but later very definitely does not feel nearly so good! It is certainly a waste for me on this lovely bike and I shall have to change it but as yet have no idea what for. Brookes saddles always served me very well years ago and perhaps that may be the best way to go. We shall see.

We have had several days of truly glorious spring weather which have of course been quite perfect for cycling. I am now completely confident in my ability to get eventually fit again, and the large investment in this bike which I was far from sure about, has turned out very well indeed.

In summary then the bike simply oozes careful design and refinement everywhere. All the cycle parts are strong and sound, and, which is not always the case nowadays, work.

Enough - I shall now ride out into the sunshine and perhaps have wonderful things to report on this evening.

4:00 pm.

The new prop stand arrived by the midday post and is fitted and OK. I daresay few people will have actually noticed the repair lashup but I did and it's really good to have my new Agattu pristine once again thanks to Lloyd of 50cycles.


Unknown said...

It has been a joy to read your blog. Firstly because you are so obviously delighted with your new machine. Secondly because it transpires that we have both chosen Agattu for similar reasons - age, unfitness after along enforced lay off etc -so it comes as a great relief to read how in all it's details the bike is living up to your hopes. As you say it is a major investment, and although I am not getting mine until early April, it is wonderful to read that the pedelec system is working so perfectly and as easily as you hoped.
Keep up the good writing. It helps defuse some of my impatience.

acgame said...

I so look forward to hearing your own experiences, David. Our situations being rather similar comparing notes should be really interesting.