Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Coming tomorrow!

50cycles phoned this morning to say the Agattu is coming tomorrow lunch time. Much much sooner than I had dared to hope. Really excited and already planning first rides. If only the weather will buck up a bit.

I shall be spending tomorrow morning setting up a power socket in the bike shed. Eventually I shall try to make small ramps over the 4 inch step in the door, so that I can wheel the bike in and out without lifting it.

I shall need to get a couple of big panniers but haven't decided which yet. Their primary use will be for shopping so they need to be big and fairly square. A pair of Poli plastic ones are going for a good price on eBay but I haven't been able to get a reply concerning the colour. I certainly wouldn't want anything gaudy, and I'm now a little unsure as to whether they would fit the pannier rack of the Agattu as they appear to need horizontal rail at the bottom. The big Dutch ones might be better but it's very difficult to get any accurate details from the seller. Such things are small details that will quickly settle themselves.

I intend this bicycle to cause a big change for the better in my lifestyle.


Grandads said...

It didn't take you long to get started then.
The excitment is mounting.

acgame said...

It came today - Thurs Jan 24th - and I'm more or less over the moon! Can't wait for the morning to try it out properly.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting.
