Sunday, 3 February 2008

Prop stand

I have been wondering whether the prop stand on the Agattu puts rather too much strain on the frame fitting for one to feel comfortable about it. The wringing stress at the end of that quite long lever must be very considerable. It's a great convenience to have one of course but not at the risk of damage to the frame. I wonder if I could get a double legged stand which would not present the same problem. I have been looking on the web but all that I can find are quite crude looking things. Something else to be considered.

Later - with the usual tremendous help from pedelecs forum, I've discovered that a nice looking double legged stand is available, but on inspecting the bike it's clear that there is no room for it to be fitted. In fact there is no room for anything at all in that position. It will have to be the same stand refitted when 50cycles send the new one, and I shall have to use it very carefully remembering the twisting forces on the frame. That means no use with full panniers I suspect. Which of course is just when it is most needed. Not a tragedy but nonetheless a shame.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the Giant Twist stand would work on that bike? It's pretty sturdy, but still light. Flecc might know.